Wonderful broad, rounded canopy, with a number of varieties within the family. This tree can be grown as a single or multi stem, with bark turning slightly grey as it ages. Leaf color depends on the variety. Tree likes dappled shade and moist, well drained soil. It is among one of the most popular specimen […]
Wonderful specimen tree – a great way to bring red into the landscape. Maturing at less than 20’ tall and wide, this tree fits nicely into a wide range of landscape locations – from rock gardens to open expanses of turf.
New growth is a very interesting orange-red, fades to bronze-green in summer, and finishes the year with bright scarlet fall color. A great way to punctuate the landscape with a touch of red. Makes a great specimen tree, wonderful standing alone in a sea of green grass.
Upright and columnar – grows to 35+ feet tall with a width of only 15 feet. A good street tree and works well next to buildings. Tolerates a wide range of soils, resists air pollution and is drought tolerant.
Quick growing maple best known for its brilliant orange-red fall color, which comes early. Smaller leaves than many maples with glossy green tops and lighter green undersides.
Quick growing maple best known for its brilliant orange-red fall color, which comes early. Smaller leaves than many maples with glossy green tops and lighter green undersides.
Large, fast-growing shade tree best planted where it has room to grow. Not an ideal street tree due to eventual size and surface roots, Shade tolerant when young so it can work it’s way up through a canopy of other trees. Excellent shade tree. Full palette of fall colors with colors often mixing together for […]
This upright Crape Myrtle will stay squattier, but is a spectacular specimen plant for your landscape, with its striking flower color and peeling bark, giving it interest all year round.